I realized I have given up on blogging lately. For me its hard to write about something every day or every other day. I am not the greatest, but I do love to do it when I can. I am just really focused on getting my Etsy Shop running strong and getting new product to sell. Blogging is just something I like to do in my spare time, its nice, but at the same time it kinda sucks because not many people read my posts now. I want to thank all of the people who follow me and still encourage me to do what I can with my business. There is nothing I love more, than feedback and peoples support!
Right now I am at the point in my life where I am crying out to God for help. I have been struggling with so much and I am so blessed to have a great husband to back me up.
The last few months have been hard for me because I lost a ton of hours at work due to a back injury, not only that but my mom has been off for 2 months and my husband was off for a few days. We have been struggling to pay our bills or even buy ourselves really cheap food. Like right now, I have $1 to my name until thursday...I have never been so scared of how we are going to survive for 6 more days. I know I just have to keep reminding myself that God will supply all our needs!!!
So if anyone reads this, just keep us in your prayers. Hopefully I will find a new job soon, so that I won't have to worry about money problems anymore.
I know that there will always be issues with money but I really don't think that what I have been going through will continue. Right now my main goal is for me and my husband to FINALLY move out of my mothers house. Its kind of hard at the moment seeing as I am really behind in bills that I owe her and now that I don't have much money coming in its super hard. I wish I could explain this situation to everyone so I could get advice but I know its something that I have to just suck up and deal with.
Within the next few months I am going to be working super hard on putting items in my Etsy shop, that way I can have some sort of money, maybe, come in. Please take a look at it and add it to your "FAVORITES" so that you can see all the latest Kreations :)
Please support my business, even if its not your cup of tea, share it with your friends and family! It will really help us out!
Thank you!! - Kayla
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